Get to know me
I know firsthand that things that serve us well in our professional lives like high expectations, intense drive, and the need for control can create challenges in other areas. When you’re someone who is accustomed to powering through obstacles, dealing with the unexpected can sometimes feel overwhelming. As a Chartered Professional Accountant with over a decade of experience, I’ve experienced the toll that constant pressure—whether self-imposed or external—can take on a person. I’ve navigated my own challenges and believe that everyone, no matter how successful, can benefit from support and genuine empathy.
One of my other interests is assisting organizations who are seeking to improve employee well-being. I am certified by the Mental Health Commission of Canada to assess and integrate psychological health and safety in the workplace, and can facilitate workshops on a number of topics related to mental health and performance.
Whether working with individuals or organizations, I lead with curiosity, empathy, and practicality. I would love to support you in any way I can so please reach out for a free consultation to determine if I am a good fit for you.